Gay's Original Watercolor Cartoons

Personalized Gifts & Interchangeable Snap Charms

The original personalized cartoon company since 1970

These cartoons are personalized to fit your profession or occupation,
a hobby or special interest those special people in your life, or those
special occasions that make life so meaningful. Furthermore, these cartoons
are personalized to each recipient, whose name, the names of loved one
or pets, important dates, and other personal information, makes it more intimate.
Also available are more special touches, such as mustaches and beards, and
hair color, as well as skin tones and physical characteristics.


Gay collects your personal information and then sketches onto the watercolor paper

Once it's sketched, the image(s) are painted & personalized to create a one-of-a-kind watercolor.

Matted and Framed!


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